Educational Environment

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The Raleigh Nursery School program consists of a research-based educational curriculum, A-Rated Commercial Kitchen, natural outdoor learning destinations, including butterfly and vegetable gardens, highly qualified staff as well as a loving and nurturing environment that supports the development of each child. The Raleigh Nursery School continuously reviews its selected curriculum to ensure its effectiveness with each child and practices Conscious Discipline to support a positive self-image, emotional and social development.

Ensuring the health and safety of our children is our first priority! Constant program evaluation, family needs assessments, training, and upkeep are top priorities for Raleigh Nursery School - We invite you to come tour our facility and observe our program in action - for more information about tours, see our Admissions Page. Read more below about our current Curriculum and Facility, which overviews Frog Street, ASQ, and NC State’s Architectural design for Raleigh Nursery School, available with supporting links.


Curriculum & Assessment

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Frog Street Pre-K is a comprehensive, research-based program that integrates instruction across developmental domains and early learning disciplines - engaging is easy for both teachers and children!

Children are joyful creatures. Our curriculum and resources are designed to tap into a child’s nature and create a joyful experience from the first moments of the day until it is time to say goodbyes. Our programs are filled with songs, music, hands-on materials and activities, chants, games, make-believe, designed to stimulate a child’s imagination, helping make each day a wonderful one!


Highly reliable and valid, ASQ looks at strengths and trouble spots, educates parents about developmental milestones, and incorporates parents’ expert knowledge about their children.  Parents complete this short evaluation to help work together with the school to support their child's development. 


Outdoor Learning Environment

Outdoor play is beneficial to children as well as caregivers. Research tells us that spending time outdoors, exposed to fresh air, sunlight, and natural elements such as trees and grass, provides many health benefits. The Outdoor Learning Environment offers a sense of freedom for children. Children are able to play freely with peers, expand their imagination beyond the restraints of indoor activities, release energy, and explore their sense of touch, smell, taste and their sense of motion. Caregivers are in a unique position to utilize the outdoor environment to promote development and learning.


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See more of Raleigh Nursery School with NC State Design